

Life seems so elusive

Though it sits right in my chest

I look for it everywhere else but there

All the advice just seems to evade me

I search for good in the music

I search for light in the food

I search for meaning in the temporal

I search for happy in my mood

It’s the worst easter egg hunt I’ve ever partaken in

Everyone finds the prize

But me

I stand there watching others pluck the goods

While I’ve been running in circles with the gods

They seem to have me on some elusive chase

I now have memories I cannot erase

Memories that all scream out the same songs

Of you will never be good enough

I’ve not had it bad, I’ve not had it rough

I’ve simply had it with all of this status quo

My mind full of facts except for the things I should know

The things that truly are part of me

I long to explore, I long to be free

On a prairie of no delusional expectations

Only grasses waving in the winds

The sun setting and rising all at once

The whispers of love all around me

I long to be free

8/8/20, kdc

2 Comments Add yours

  1. This piece really speaks to me, Duane: the sense of unease running through it, and the closing seven lines that say it all so elegantly–to escape the delusions, the expectations, to step outside time (sun rising and setting), and those loving whispers all around. 🙏

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    1. Glad you liked it. I think I’m getting a lot more comfortable with unease. It seems to be my normal anymore. But I’m letting it lead me along. letting it form my “song”. And thanks so much for the kind feedback. It’s greatly encouraging.

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